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Merrie Shell's Angels & Collectibles
~ Specializing in retired Margaret Furlong Designs ~

Welcome to Merrie Shell's Angels & Collectibles!

Where we believe...

A coincidence is an angel's way of performing a miracle!

Join us for a cup of tea while we celebrate
Margaret Furlong's
20th year of creating heavenly designs!

1.5" Celebration Cherubs

Specializing in retired Margaret Furlong Designs
for the serious collector.  
Retired and hard-to-find pieces are subject to availability.  

Please e-mail your special requests to:

We will make every attempt to locate that very special
Margaret Furlong piece you've been wishing for!


Make sure you see the collection for 2000 featuring
exquisite innovative designs for the Millennium.

~ Merrie Shell's Visitors ~


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Copyright © 2003 Merrie Shell's Angels & Collectibles.  All rights reserved.
Revised: 01/08/08